
laziness as an ideal

as every system administrator, or sysadmin, or simply sa, knows, laziness is a virtue. why do something twice? write a script and schedule it!

but is laziness democratic?

it seems google has taken laziness to a new level. for example, i can blog all i want and never worry about backing up. or, i can write a website without any html or an ide, whatever that is. or, i can create a spreadsheet without downloading or learning any worrisome software. for free! how easy is that?

but is that democratic?

isn't it what the people want? to be spoon-fed? isn't the purpose of government to take care of us? isn't that why we pay taxes and elected those pesky politicians? isn't that why we vote?

but google is a corporation, not an elected representative. its interests and priorities are its own, by law, and not mine and not yours.

blogger, which is owned by google, adopts the 24/7 model--you have to be wholly connected to the internet to use it. oh, there's google gears for offline stuff, but it's so easy to get into. so are google docs. and gmail. i know. i use them daily.

but they are very ajaxy, and google authors, controls, and can change the javascript which controls your data (what was once your data--google has it now) any time it wants.

the fsf--the free software foundation--doesn't support google. and mozilla firefox is preferred over google chrome for the same reason--google uses proprietary code.

[a day or two later...]

this was going to be my new wordpress post. goodbye blogger!

but that didn't happen. see my 'eulogy' post.

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