

first, a bit about me...
  • i programmed my first computer in 1976
  • i worked in midland from 2003 to 2008 at labx
  • i don't like caps cuz they slow me down tho I Can Use 'Em If I Gotta
  • i'm the webguy behind share
  • i like gardening
  • i like foss (free and opensource software); i don't like fossil fuels
next, a bit about the site...
  • tho i'm familiar with others, i chose google for four reasons:
    1. they have the best collaborative process
    2. their editor is pretty good, too
    3. they handle the administrative stuff, like backups, which may be vital but i dislike
    4. it's fully documented
  • right now, the website is private; you have to sign in to see it, but in the future it may (i.e., likely) be public. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING ON THE SITE AND YOU WISH IT TO REMAIN PRIVATE, A) TELL ME RIGHT AWAY AND B) DON'T PUT IT ANYWHERE NEAR THE INTERNET. treat it like your s.i.n. card--keep it private. or like a spraycan--keep it away from an open flame.
  • this is only prospective--we can tweak a lot of things, like the colours or layout. we can even scrap the whole thing. the important thing is that it be the right tool for the right job. this job, seems to me, is about communication, and this tool has to enable it.
and finally, back to me...
  • yes, emails lack intonation and body language, but i personally like emails cuz i have intonation and body language impediments
  • i also like emails cuz they're searchable and provide a 'paper' trail
  • basically, i love this stuff

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