
Tom Regan's Speech

2018-11-19 - 2018-11-25

<sounds, etc>

#113. Aretha Franklin, Young, Gifted, and Black.
'This list, of the greatest albums made by women between 1964 and the present, is an intervention, a remedy, a correction of the historical record, and hopefully the start of a new conversation.'

Toots Thielemans, Caravan.

too cold to see the jerry cans (tho they probably wouldn't think so, being from nunavut). plus, they play country occasionally. this is one of their better videos.

Steve Gadd Band.

Jake Shimabukuro, Going To California

Monday, 2018 November 19

'Destroying species is like tearing pages out of an unread book, written in a language humans hardly know how to read, about the place where they live.'--Holmes Rolston

played scrabble. watched 22 and climate change by numbers.

Tuesday, 2018 November 20

'The interface between science and religion is, in a certain sense, a no-man's land.  No specialized science is competent here, nor does classical theology nor academic philosophy really own this territory. This is an interdisciplinary zone where inquirers come from many fields. But this is a land where we increasingly must live.... The religion that is married to science today will be a widow tomorrow. But the religion that is divorced from science today will leave no offspring tomorrow.' Holmes Rolston

watched prince’s tale, climate change by numbers, and 22.

Wednesday, 2018 November 21

watched nova (world's fastest animal),  nature (dogs in the land of lions), FIXED![ and beauty.nova (world's fastest animal)

Thursday, 2018 November 22

watched stephen fry in central america (el salvador to nicaragua)the agenda (the new state of cross-border relations), and rubens: an extra large story.

Friday, 2018 November 23

watched life and radiation (nfb, 1951). s and r saw 'the good brothers'. i worked on my blog.

Saturday, 2018 November 24

reading tom regan’s now classic case for animal rights. writes rolston, 'where regan has been taken seriously, animals have been better off and people have become better persons.' watched dolphin dynasty, hermitage revealed, and tom petty and the heartbreakers.

Sunday, 2018 November 25

watching tom regan's inspiring 1988 anti-vivisectionist speech. watched the life-sized city (milan).

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