

slept fitfully. i wrote a eulogy and caved in to the great google? a brave dream that died? quick! what's the opposite of 'eulogia'? 'apologia'?

socrates may have drunk poison, but he didn't cave. he didn't recant. and two-and-a-half thousand years later, i'll be damned if i do.

so, it's 1940 hours. sue's out til 2200. here's what i've used today instead (>) of google, or a suggested migration (>>>).
  • firefox--okay. note the plug-ins
    • sites
    • plug-ins, extensions, and add-ons
      • gnash (> flashplayer)--kinda buggy, i think
      • duckduckgo--search results aren't as relevant, tho
      • scroogle--google results without the cookie or the goodies
  • ubuntu one (free cloud storage space for all kinds of back-ups, including those offered by xmarks)
  • evolution > google calendar, which replaced microsoft outlook
  • open office > google docs, which replaced microsoft office
  • rhythmbox > quicktime, media player
  • evince > acrobat

trisquel is purer, freer, than ubuntu but my box may require the proprietary drivers that ship with ubuntu. baby steps.

this is my last post on blogger. google doesn't share all its code. wordpress and livejournal do. from now on, you can find me at peterkarlladage.wordpress.com/

1 comment:

  1. 2011-07-24 an update--i prefer the near-ubiquity of the net to failsafing a standalone; besides, i'm basically lazy--no, i've got other fish to fry. so, i still use *google mail*, *google cal*, and *google docs*. i post on *wordpress*, tho i like the blogger search better (ie, i can find stuff). and i still use *gedit*, *the gimp*, *rhythmbox*, *open office* (now *libre office*), hardly any dev so i don't use an ide like eclipse, *firefox* is my main browser and *google chrome* for web dev (the fsf doesn't endorse gc, but i find seamonkey, epiphany, etc to lack the eyeballs to catch bugs; but i like the separate ns for dev logins.). as it is, i think ff--i'm currently on 5.0--has some kind of memory leak, and i have to reboot ubuntu (11.4) every couple of days; and i don't like the launcher--it's buggy and sometimes i can't find stuff--i hate that, and so far ajaxy web 2.0 lacks standards, even at google and the cbc. my main search engine is *scroogle* and i go to *creative commons* to find images but sometimes i end up on *google*; some things still freeze on *gnash*--i've reported it, but who cares when flash adoption approaches 100%--as i said, i've got other fish to fry.
