
'The KAIROS funding saga continues'

'Circumstances surrounding the rejection by Minister Oda of KAIROS' 2009 - 2013 proposal to CIDA continue to generate debate in parliament and substantive media interest. On March 9, the Speaker of the House of Commons ruled on the question of privilege raised by Liberal MP John McKay on February 17, finding sufficient evidence of confusion and permitting a motion to refer the matter to the Procedures and House Affairs Committee for resolution. The motion was passed in the House of Commons yesterday, and the committee is to report by March 25.

To view KAIROS current position, letters of support, as well as ongoing media, go to 'KAIROS and CIDA Funding', read our FAQ 'The KAIROS CIDA Funding Controversy', join us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter at kairoscanada.'
--source: Kairos newsletter

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